APP combines and integrates a variety of widely known and highly respected assessment tools in their work with clients and their circles. We also have developed our own proprietary assessment tools and methods to develop deep, diligent insights into clients’ personal and professional behaviors and patterns, innate personality preferences, interests and aspirations, personal and professional values. Assessment methods and tools are selected or customized based on client needs. Our individual assessment tools are grouped by Mind, Body and Spirit, though are applied in an integrated, holistic way. APP also has over 25 years experience in designing, conducting and improving performance through in-depth, interview-based assessments for executive coaching and team performance. 


Myers Briggs Type Indicator We use the MBTI with individuals, leaders and to improve team effectiveness. APP also has a unique application of the MBTI as part of their fitness and wellness practice.

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) evaluates personality characteristics that people need to successfully work with others and in organizations. The HPI is used for leadership development and to inform selection decisions.

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) identifies factors that impede or derail career success. The HDS is an excellent tool to help identify potential blindspots and de-railing behaviors. 


Personal fitness clients receive a confidential health and lifestyle assessment and, where appropriate, weight loss readiness evaluation to inform safe and effective fitness and wellness strategies. The client intake process involves a thorough review of both goals and realities and is tailored to the client's aspirations.


The Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) identifies individuals' drivers and core values 

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) helps individuals understand how five conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics and learn how to select the most appropriate style for a given situation.


APP combines their unique professional and personal experiences to develop an integrated, deeply insightful construct for assessment, coaching and development.  Based on the Altizer's unique combined experiences, we work with clients to identify strengths and opportunities in aligning one’s mind, body and spirit with one’s intentions and environment to achieve optimal personal and professional performance and wellness.