APP helps business and personal clients develop a sustainable approach to improving their professional and personal performance and wellness. We focus on integrated approaches that support balance between their professional and personal lives. APP works with:

  • Corporate and business executives seeking to improve leadership and potential for complete success
  • Organization and team leaders seeking to build capabilities, improve group performance or navigate challenges
  • Individuals from all walks seeking to improve their own performance and wellness of mind, body and spirit. 


Business and organization leaders seeking to improve their professional and business performance through an integrated, holistic, unique approach to more fully:

  • understand themselves and what they bring to their professional circles and stakeholders
  • understand their broader environment and how to best positively influence and lead in it
  • lead their professional circles toward top performance and greater wellness
Chris Altizer working with Astra Zeneca management group in Warsaw, Poland on change management.

Chris Altizer working with Astra Zeneca management group in Warsaw, Poland on change management.


Business and organization leaders seeking to form or revitalize a team or support a team that must take on a difficult challenge or navigate new realities:

  • successfully manage or lead through significant change
  • improve or optimize overall team effectiveness for better outcomes
  • wisely select, organize and deploy team members


Individuals, particularly those with little discretionary time and conflicting demands,  seeking to improve their personal wellness and fitness through:

  • a unique, customized assessment of behavior, attitudes, personality and state of being
  • a realistic plan that fits the client's life and targets specific outcomes
  • periodic or on-going support of personal training
  • highly flexible coaching programs delivered in person in the Miami area or anywhere remotely through technology


APP works with community organizations and educational institutions to share their expertise in building awareness, competence and sufficiency in selected life skills including fitness and wellness, personal safety and self defense. See our seminars for information.

Anne & Chris Altizer at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA teaching Mindfully Safe, a personal safety seminar focusing on maintaining personal awareness and space.

Anne & Chris Altizer at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA teaching Mindfully Safe, a personal safety seminar focusing on maintaining personal awareness and space.